Yoga as a Holistic Treatment for Chronic Illnesses: 

“Have you tried yoga?”

If you’re having a health issues, then people may ask this question often. The good news is a lot of people have found yoga to be a helpful tool for improving their health. The research is beginning to back up personal stories in this area. Yoga can reduce stress, anxiety, and fatigue in people living with chronic illness, and it can improve immune function. Yoga can also stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (the part of the nervous system that helps you to rest and heal) and increase GABA levels in your body (GABA—gamma-aminobutyric acid—is a neurotransmitter that can help calm the brain. Low levels of GABA have been linked to anxiety, depression, and insomnia). However, there are so many different styles of yoga out there that it can be hard to figure out which type of class is best for your unique needs. Trying a new activity with a chronic illness can be a big risk—you don’t want to crash or make things worse. Having invested much time in helping people with chronic illnesses to use yoga for healing, It’s important to find both the right style of yoga and the right breathing for your needs.

Therapeutic Role of Yoga in Diabetes: Sometimes Diabetes is caused by hereditary or due to unhealthy lifestyle choices. There are many asanas and pranayamas which helps to balance and decreasing the impact of diabetes in your daily life. Twisting a body and doing abdominal crunch also helps reducing diabetes. We teach very simple asana that will help curing diabetes and leave a sweet impact on your daily life-style.

Easy natural treatment for Thyroid: Thyroid disorders have become a very common medical condition many people suffer from. An overactive or under-active thyroid can result in hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism both of which come with their own sets of problems. The thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped hormonal gland is one of the most important glands responsible for our health and wellness. However, due to stress and faulty lifestyle, this gland can go off balance and either overwork or underwork itself. Find out how you can treat this imbalance and support the health of your thyroid gland through yoga.

Hypertension cure yoga therapy: Looking for natural ways to help high blood pressure? Make a routine to improve blood and energy circulation of the heart meridian and calm down the nervous system. High blood pressure(the silent killer), also known as hypertension, one of the most important contributors to heart disease and stroke. According to WHO- "Hyper-pressure contributes to nearly 9.4 million deaths due to heart disease and stroke every year and, together, these two diseases are the number one cause of death worldwide". And, hypertension also increases the risk of kidney failure, blindness, and several other conditions "yoga can lead to significant reductions in blood pressure, especially when used in addition with other lifestyle modifications"

Simple ways to get rid of cholesterol: Cholesterol is a type of fat in our bodies. Although a certain level of it is required for the proper functioning of our bodies, high cholesterol can cause serious problems in our blood like clots, and heart and brain issues. It is an issue that is typically popular in the Indian landscape and I am sure all of us are aware of it. So you must keep your cholesterol in check and follow a proper diet and exercises. There are three kinds of fats - saturated fats, unsaturated fats, and trans fats. Which of these fats are bad for our health? let's find out and We will also be giving out some easy-to-follow lifestyle and diet tips.

Polycystic Ovary Disorder or Syndrome also called PCOD or PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome affects a woman's hormonal levels. It causes an imbalance in the production of hormones that can lead to irregular periods, weight gain, etc. It has become a rather common syndrome that many women experience. Yoga is a wonderful tool to keep the body and mind healthy. PCOS is a very common condition amongst most young women today. Learn simple easy to do Asanas and meditation techniques to fight PCOS healthily and sustainably.

Yoga care pre to post pregnancy: Pregnancy is an important stage of a woman's life. Yoga plays a crucial role in helping pregnant women to ease their pregnancy in the prenatal and postnatal stages. Counting from months to weeks and now days for your baby to be here it's a journey filled with mixed emotions and feelings. And, comes with an ayota of nervousness and also questions like "what am I supposed to do?" Innocence, a bundle of joy, and new beginnings are some of the words that come to our mind when we think about children. It is said that when a child is born, so is a mother. A lady sure is very excited to embark on this new journey of her life. But it is not as comfortable as it seems and looks. Just delivered a baby and gained some “baby weight” ? Well, Gaining weight during pregnancy is absolutely normal. Ideally, one should be back to your pre pregnancy figure within 6 months of delivery. We have few tips which will guide us on the life of before, after, and during motherhood. With great happiness comes great responsibility.

Yoga to overcome Excessive stress, Depression, Anxiety: Life is about ups and downs, we learn and grow through these experiences. But how can one take this experience of life in a better manner? or How can one deal with depression in a better manner? Awaken The Force! Move from the darkness into the light! Yoga has your back! The hustle and bustle of life have become a serious cause of stress and anxiety for many of us. You can often see the stress manifest in faces through the worry lines on the forehead, which can indicate the state of mind. Practicing Pranayama breathing can help to relieve stress and anxiety. So, include yoga in your daily life to overcome stress and anxiety.

Asthma Relief: Asthma is one most common diseases around the world and with the increasing pollution, one must take it more seriously. Few asanas and other yogic techniques can help you regain control over the condition. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory condition that can make breathing difficult and cause coughing and wheezing. Asthma can arise at any age and can occur due to various triggers such as allergens, irritants in the air, and certain illnesses. Through some simple yoga asanas, one can get relief from these ailments.

Restorative Yoga for deep sleep & relaxation: The lifestyle of today’s generation has changed drastically. They always seem to have a long schedule related to work, study, or just watching their favorite shows and it has impacted their daily routine like their eating habits and sleeps schedule. Effective YOGA sequence is best to do before bed, Follow few stretches & breathing exercises to ensure a relaxing, good night's sleep. 

Yoga flow to let go of Anger: Anger is a natural emotion and you must have experienced it one time or the other. Getting angry is normal but it becomes a problem when your anger starts affecting your work and personal relationship. It can affect your health and temper adversely. It is not advisable to suppress your anger but you need to control it and calm your mind. Yoga can help you to manage your anger. There are several yoga asanas to divert your anger towards something productive. So, next time you get hyper, spread your yoga mat and start practicing yoga poses to calm your mind.

Stop Overthinking: Do you overthink a lot and can't stop your mind from racing? The trick is not to forcefully try and cut the thoughts that are flowing but to channel the energy elsewhere to focus on the sensation within. Learn how to rewire your mind to focus on your body's energy rather than your thoughts.

Yoga to boost the immune system: Be it Coronavirus or any other common virus, it is essential to have strong immunity. A powerful Yoga practice that can increase lung capacity and will help in boosting the immunity of the system. Healthy lymph flow is a key component of a strong immune system, and fortunately, yoga asana can help that flow. Unlike the circulatory system, which is driven by the pump of the heart, the lymphatic system depends on gravity as well as on tissues contracting to squeeze fluid through its vessels. This makes yoga poses like twists, forward folds, side bends, and inversions the perfect tools to boost lymph flow.

Easy practice during menstrual days for irregular periods & cramp relief: For any female, getting menstruation is not just a sign of fertility but also of her health and overall fitness. Yoga is an effective exercise to cure irregular periods naturally. Irregular period is common in women. Yoga is the best medicine to cure problems like menstruation disorder, heavy blood flow, and painful menstruation periods. Every female must practice yoga poses and make yoga a part of her daily regime to cope with menstrual disorders.

Improve eyesight & eye health: The advancement of technology, poor nutrition because of the high-paced lifestyle has several ramifications on our bodies. Especially our eyes. Some easy face yoga asanas that you can do to improve your eyesight and battle any kind of eye problem that you have been facing. It's time to focus on our most used sense organ that is, our eyes. Practice some yoga asanas & breathing techniques to improve your vision and eye health. 

Practice Yoga to heal your skin & hair from within: Pollution, dirt, sun, seasonal change and diet can have a lot of effect on your skin and hair. Keeping the hair and skin healthy in this hectic lifestyle can be a difficult task. A good diet and some Yoga can go a long way in helping you keep your skin and hair healthy.

Yoga to cure Gastric problems & Acidity: Gas and acidity conditions have the same causes. These problems usually occur due to certain factors such as consuming processed, oily and spicy foods, emotional factors, improper eating and drinking habits, smoking, etc. Gas is formed mainly because of constipation and indigestion. The best remedy for these problems is practicing yoga regularly. 

Detox your body through Yoga: Detoxifying your body is essential to maintain the equilibrium of your body and its normal functioning. Diving deep into few YOGIC ways of detoxifying your body, which is- Lemon water in the morning, Suryanamaskar, Jal-neti, etc will help you to detoxify your body.

Poses to treat Hernia: A hernia occurs when an organ pushes through an opening in the muscle or tissue that holds it in place. Hernias are most common in the abdomen, but they can also appear in the upper thigh, belly button, and groin areas. there are a few Yoga poses you should include in your practice to treat a hernia.

Cure Varicose veins with daily practice of Yoga: Long standing hours in work? Heaviness in legs? Do your legs and ankles pain after standing? Cramps in calves? These are few symptoms of varicose veins. The most common pressure inducers are: Long standing hours for months/years together, Obesity or overweight, During pregnancy, Hereditary, Leg injury, Extensive consumption of alcohol, Sedentary lifestyle. Because superficial veins have less muscle support than deep veins, they are more likely to become varicose. Any condition that puts excessive pressure on the legs or abdomen can lead to varicose veins. Learn how to prevent varicose veins or get relief from varicose veins. Yoga can be considered Varicose vein's natural treatment. A regular and consistent practice goes a long way in getting relief.

Yoga for Holistic Health: Yoga can play a big role in restoring health, and bringing you numerous physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. Yoga is a one size fits all solution to stress, and when combined with a sensible diet it can help in balancing out your overall health. Get your daily dose of Yoga postures which will not only make you healthy but also rejuvenate from within.